Columbus Science Pub Presents- Terraforming Mars – Feasible or Folly? With Dr. Stephan Frank
March 06, 2025 07:30p.m.
If we are seriously interested in colonizing Mars (and not just have Hollywood send Mat Damon out there), we will inevitably have to alter quite a few circumstances that currently render Mars a completely inhospitable, bone-dry, cold desert world.
How realistic are the prospect of such a process of terraforming? We will explore the different climate histories of Earth and Mars (plus throw in Venus as added bonus), and highlight a few other major problems humans would currently experience trying to live on Mars.
Stephan Frank is a Senior Lecturer and Post-Doctoral Researcher at The Ohio State University. Besides teaching, figuring out how the Circumgalactic Medium influences Galaxy evolution, and weighing SuperMassive Black Holes, Stephan is foolish enough to enjoy Mara- and Triathlons, has a huge boardgame collection, and REALLY loves Football (pardon : soccer, as Americans call it).
Food and drink will be available from the kitchen at Shadowbox Live! Use the code “getnerdy” to skip the $5 suggested donation.
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